Bodywise: weaving somatic psychotherapy, ecodharma and the Buddha in everyday life

In 2012 I was invited to write a quarterly article for 'Somatic Psycotherapy Today', a US-based journal. The invitation came from Nancy Eichhorn, founding editor-in-chief after my first book 'Meditating with Character' had been reviewed in the journal. This 'Bodywise' book is a compilation of the 14 articles I wrote from 2012 onwards.
Here's information from the book's back cover:
'What can the theory and practice of somatic/body psychotherapy, ecopsychology and Buddhism offer to each other? For the past five years, Kamalamani has shared life and work at the confluence of these fields in her quarterly Bodywise articles for Somatic Psychotherapy Today, an independent international publication representing various modalities in body psychotherapy, somatic psychology, and pre-natal and perinatal psychology.
This volume, published in October 2017, brings together these quarterly Bodywise articles. Kamalamani explores client work in embodied and relational ways, drawing upon her practice of Buddhism. With her characteristically warm, immediate, accessible tone, Kamalamani encourages personal reflection and professional consideration as she offers insights illuminated by traditional Buddhist texts along with personal and clinical anecdotes that range from birth to death, from meditating with character to Reich’s character structures, from trauma and terrorized bodies to diversity, embodied spirituality and pre-natal and peri-natal psychology. She often provokingly offers more questions than answers and writes in a way that offers not only a sacred space for opening, sensing, being quiet, but also joining forces with our global communities in feeling the outrage, the love, the fear, the bliss that comes with interaction. She reminds us again and again of a whole-earth perspective, bringing sentient life and living processes into awareness in the course of everyday life, practice, and the work of healing.
All proceeds from this book will be donated to the ongoing costs of creating and publishing Somatic Psychotherapy Today, helping to defray the costs associated with an independently run international magazine. It is through generous gifts like Kamalamani’s and others’ who donate to Somatic Psychotherapy Today that it continues to exist.'
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Early reviews:
“Her heart and mind are open to the world, allowing it in and herself to live outwardly with compassion and love.”
- Nancy Eichhorn, Founding Editor in Chief of Somatic Psychotherapy Today.
“It's so good to have these pieces collected in one place, so that we can clearly see their value, and feel gratitude for Kamalamani's wisdom, wit, common sense, deep knowledge of Buddhism, and enormous generosity of spirit. I have always felt that Buddhism, especially Vajrayana, has a profound connection with body psychotherapy; and it is a great pleasure for example to read Kamalamani on Green Tara - a figure of personal meaning to me - and her development of Shunryu Suzuki's brilliant slice through mind-body dualism: 'Our body and mind are not two and not one.... Our body and mind are both two and one'. This book will be of great help to anyone interested in body psychotherapy, in Buddhism, and in ecopsychology, or in the relationship between the three.”
- Nick Totton, Body psychotherapist, trainer and author of Embodied Relating: the Ground of Psychotherapy.