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Links: Ecodharma

On this page I've provided links to centres, networks and actions around the world practising ecodharma, some with online resources. I'm blessed to have worked with many, not all of the organisations listed below, so as with all my links pages, the links here are a 'signpost' rather than a personal endorsement. Some networks are for particular Buddhist traditions, others are seeking to build coalitions across traditions. Please drop me a line if you're part of a network I've not come across yet!


If you're new to ecodharma you can read my reflections on ecodharma and ecopsychology, and, for a longer read, I highly recommend Ecodharma: Buddhist Teachings for the Ecological Crisis by the scholar, Zen teacher, and activist and my friend and mentor David Loy, available from Wisdom Books.


Centres worldwide:


Dharmagiri Sacred Mountain Retreat, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa

The home page of Dharmagiri Sacred Mountain Retreat which seeks to support organisations that challenge Ecocide while offering new pathways, and hosting courses, activities, fund raisers, eco-activism and educational programs supporting the new paradigm of conscious caring of the Planet and her species.


Ecodharma, Catalunya, Spain

The home page for the Ecodharma centre in the Catalan Pyrenees, hosting courses and retreats supporting the realisation of human potential and the development of ecological consciousness, though social engagement, founded by Guhyapati and run by the EcoDharma training collective.


Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Centre, Ward, Colorado, USA

The home page of Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Centre, which brings Buddhism and Dharma back into the natural world where they originated, fostering the clarity and compassion needed to better address the ecological crisis and inextricably related social justice issues.




Buddhists Across Traditions. One of the dreams of Buddhism Across Traditions is to unite and call to action Buddhists and mindfulness groups around climate and earth justice, creating a coalition uniting Buddhist practitioners, groups, initiatives and action to protecting and caring for the earth.


Dharma Action Network for Climate Engagement (DANCE) is a space for connecting to explore the breadth of possible Dharma responses to climate change and related issues.


The Eco Dharma Network was created in 2019 in response to the climate emergency. This is a network of UK Buddhist communities offering a platform to strengthen the capacity to take climate action and to coordinate wide-ranging initiatives, supported by UK Faith for the Climate and Religions for Peace.


SGI - UK collaborates, both as an organisation and through its membership, with a variety of different organisations on the issue of climate change.


Triratna Earth Sangha is a group of Triratna Order members, Mitras and Friends worldwide who are deeply concerned about the climate and ecological crises they face and see it as part of their practice to do something about them.​


XR Buddhists are Buddhists of many different traditions coming together to respond to the climate crisis and the ecological emergency within the broader movement of Extinction Rebellion.


Online resources, training and retreats:


One Earth Sangha

The founding premise of One Earth Sangha is that the Buddhist tradition offers significant, largely untapped resources that can support us in bringing wisdom, compassion, courage, creativity, flexibility, and a steady resolve to our inter-related ecological and social crises. This site includes how to register for the 'ecosattva' online training.


SanghaSeva | Meditation in Action retreats take place in Europe, India and Israel-Palestine. These retreats integrate meditation, observation, and reflection with participation in positive actions for the benefit of others and the world. What SanghaSeva call, "retreats that touch the world".




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