Practicalities - things to bear in mind as you start therapy

Making contact. I aim to return phone calls and emails within 24 hours unless I'm away, in which case you'll receive an auto message or get through to my voicemail message saying when I'm returning to work.
Location. I am based in Bishopston, North Bristol, two miles from the city centre. My practice location is a 10 minute walk from several bus routes (e.g. Gloucester Road bus routes 75, 76 and the number 20 bus route). There is plenty of street parking in the area during the day and places to park your bike if you're cycling. In terms of accessibility, my practice room is up two steps and is situated on the first floor. I'll send you a map and information before your first session.
Session length and cost. I offer therapy sessions arranged at a mutually convenient time by appointment, generally at the same time each week, with most therapy clients coming weekly. I charge £55 - £75 per session for a 50 minute session of therapy or mentoring, depending upon financial circumstance, payable online.
The sliding scale reflects the range of clients I see - from those living below the minimum wage to much higher earners. My wish is that therapy is as financially accessible as possible. If you are a higher earner I invite you to consider paying towards the higher end of the scale. The additional amount goes into a bursary fund which enables me to offer a few low-cost places (some lower than the sliding scale) at any one time. I review my fees from time to time, with changes made in consultation with clients at the beginning of the new financial year (April).
Beginnings and endings. I suggest that we work together in negotiating beginnings and endings. Sudden endings can be jarring and can undermine the therapeutic process for some clients.
Holidays. There are normally approximately ten weeks each year when I am either on holiday or leading or participating on training courses. I will give you plenty of notice about my holiday and dates away, and would appreciate you doing the same.
Cancellations. If you are unable to attend our sessions at the agreed time, I appreciate as much notice as possible. As I hold a space open for you whether or not you attend, I reserve the right to charge for the session unless you have given me 48 hours notice of cancellation.
Data protection and GDPR. I am registered professionally with the Information Commissioner’s Office and hold data about you as a client in line with European General Data Protection Regulations. In working as a counsellor and body psychotherapist in private practice I hold your contact information securely (password protected). Your contact numbers are held on my mobile phone and your email address and emails on my PC. Brief session notes are recorded on paper, recorded anonymously, and held in a secure place away from my PC and phone. I delete your contact information three years after we have finished working together and retain session records for six years after our work, after which time they are shredded and the paper recycled securely. I use your data purely to contact you to make arrangements and will never share this information with a third party unless it is with your prior knowledge, or if I am obliged to by a court of law. In this unlikely event I would inform you first.
Dispute resolution. If you are unhappy with your experience of therapy I would appreciate you talking to me about your concerns in the first instance. My aim would be that any difficulties can be resolved with you. If this doesn't seem possible then I am registered and accredited with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and work in line with its ethical framework. I am also a senior accredited counsellor with the National Counselling Society and work inline with its code of ethics. You can contact BACP or the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society as my professional, accrediting bodies.
Please do get in touch with any questions about any aspect of my work.