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Climate Psychology / Climate Education 

Please find listed below web addresses for a few talks, resource pages and organisations where you can find out more about climate psychology and climate education. In listing these I am not personally endorsing any particular sites, rather signposting readers interested in finding out more or engaging with climate organisations. You might also find it useful to browse the ecopsychology links page, as there are close links ecopsychology and climate education.

Online projects/programmes/interviews

'Six Graphics Which Explain Climate Change' produced by BBC News. 

'Tales of 2 Futures' an interactive map showing personal stories and local initiatives and organisations saving energy and cutting carbon emissions. 

'Global Weirding', an 8 minute PBS programme on You Tube presented by atmospheric scientist Katharine Heyhoe’s. 

Grounding in Faith is a pilot program of  Project InsideOut, an initiative supported by the  KR Foundation to providing scalable resources for making climate campaigns more impactful.

'The Psychology of Learning to Change', a 27 minute conversation between Massachusetts Institute of Technology Climate X team and psychologist Renee Lertzman (transcript also available on the same page).


Climate Citizens Lobby aims to give ordinary citizens the power to lobby political leaders, and raise awareness in the media and the general public about climate change solutions.

Climate Outreach are Europe's leading climate change communicators, bridging the gap between research and practice and helping to widen engagement across a broader spectrum of society.

Climate Psychology Alliance is a UK-based not for profit organisation founded by a group from the psychological professions aiming to contribute specialist knowledge to the area of climate change through events, information, podcasts etc.

The Climate Coalition is, along with  sister organisations Stop Climate Chaos Cymru and Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, a group of more than 130 organisations across the UK showing our love for all the things we want to protect from climate change, and to ask politicians to put aside their differences and commit to doing whatever is necessary to protect them. 


The Surefoot Effect equips people, communities and organisations with skills for sustainability and resilience. Surefoot's approach is values-based and transformational. Technology matters, but the whole-hearted commitment of people is the essential ingredient for change.

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