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Ecopsychology weblinks


Please find listed below addresses of some websites and organisations where you can find out more about ecopsychology. I am not personally endorsing any particular sites, simply signposting readers interested in finding out more. For those of you who are new to ecopsychology you can read my thoughts about ecopsychology and ecodharma.

CONFER provides seminars, conferences and online resources on psychotherapy and human relationships, including an online module (by subscription) on eco-psychotherapy

European Journal of Ecopsychology

Ecopsychology ‘Ning’ website

A place for networking, sharing events and ideas (you need to sign up as this is a private forum).

Ecopsychology UK

The umbrella website for ecopsychology and ecopsychology practitioners in the UK, including details of the annual ‘Edge of the Wild’ gathering.


Facebook 'Ecopsychology' group

A private group for those practising ecopsychology with members from around the world (you need to apply to join with a few simple questions).

Psychotherapists and Counsellors for Social Responsibility 

A membership organisation for UK based counsellors and psychotherapists which has held several ecopsychology events since its inception in 1995.  

Wild Therapy

The home page for ‘Wild Therapy’ a form of nature connection, ecopsychology work originated by Nick Totton and being carried forward by myself - Emma Palmer (previously Kamalamani), Jayne Johnson, Allison Priestman, Stephen Tame, Leonie Guest, and Lucy Messervy.

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